Study, Work or Start a Business in Germany

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Opening an account for Studying in Germany

International students who want to study in Germany should have an account especially for the proof of financial funds. Here we present you the favorable accounts selected by international students, and explaining how to open an account in case of no city registration.

1- Commerzbank: Successful combinations between digital products and local branches. Ranked as Germany’s second-largest private bank.
Create Account: Girokonto 50 Euro

2- Postbank: Free account with no monthly minimum input, free to withdraw cash at over 9,000 ATMs and in more than 850 Postbank Finance Centers.
Create Account: Postbank Giro plus

3- N 26: Licensed bank with worldwide customers in which they focus on mobile banking and grants you to access your financial operations through the N26 App.

4- Sparkasse: Condensed network of branches extended countrywide. Having easy access to personal advice.

For Students without a city registration

Most banks require a city registration “Anmeldung” when you open an account. However, sometimes you need a current account before city registration. Here are some options that support this case:

Blocked Account

What is a blocked account?

A bloacked account is an account which you are required to have in orrder to get your German visa as a proof of sufficient funds. You can only withdraw a fixed amount of cash monthly.

Who need a blocked account?

International students and Blue card Jobseeker.

What banks support blocked accounts?

  • Deutschebank
  • Fintiba
  • Expatrio
  • Coracle

The following table depicts the comparison of blocked accounts processes between the banks who support this operation.

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